What started as a dream of a group of dear friends of JI to empower the community at Sunzu Village in Rwanda, has grown into a full-blown, community-based development, including a library (built), multipurpose center, playgrounds, microbusinesses and eco-cottages. With key partnerships from Journeyman International, East African Power, Yambi Rwanda, The Guardian Project, Global Excel, TwelveinTwelve, Belay Global, Hope Community Church, Virunga Lodge and many other generous individuals and organizations, these projects have come alive. As part of the emerging partnership between Journeyman International and Non-Profit Organization, Chapters Network (Owner/Operator of Sunzu Yacu) this community has taken hold of these opportunities for growth and this dream is quickly turning into reality!

Please make all checks out to Journeyman International and send to:
Prineville, OR 97754
– The Sunzu Library is now functioning and serving the locals via various educational programs for children and adults alike.
– Thanks to a partnership with YambiRwanda, the Preschool this thriving—particularly with the addition of new female students who will hopefully continue on their path to further education.
– Laptops in the library are being utilized by the older children to learn Excel, Word etc.
– An Eggs and Porridge program established by Jesse and Helen Kalisher feeds every preschooler one good meal a day, and the kids are thriving with the added protein. We’re seeing a big difference in their physical and mental development.
– Thriving women’s cooperative called Imbere Heza, of 20 members, who have been trained to make artisanal bags, clothes and baskets and have been reinvesting their earnings into animal husbandry activities