Entry DateMay 30, 2018
What is the name of the project?
Anpu Cholai Preschool
Organization name
Vasantham Vision Trust
What country is the project located?
Sri Lanka
Primary contact
Kalaivani Subramaniam
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Phone Number
Is the organization capable and agreeable to communicating with our team several times per week during the design stage?
Explain the humanitarian need for this project and how this project can meet the need.
We need an eco-friendly design for a two classroom school with a kitchen, toilets and office. Though the land we have is huge, the cost of construction in Sri Lanka is high and we need a good design that is able to cut down construction costs.
What is the mission statement of the organization you represent?
Development and empowerment through education and skills training.
What humanitarian category does the project best fit under?
Describe the current budget situation. Is the land owned outright? What has been spent on the project and what is the estimated remaining costs? What is the strategy for attaining outstanding funds? Please provide as many specifics as possible.
We have set the budget as $45000 SGD/ 4.5 Sri Lankan Rupees. We have the funds available for the building but have not gotten a satisfactory plan.
Describe the land situation. Has land been procured? Has a site been selected? Was land donated from the local government? Is a deed in-hand?
The school (In a makeshift structure) currently stands on land that has been specially allocated for school use only. Our organisation has the written permission and documents from the district secretariat, giving approvals for the use of the land by our organisation to build up the school. Our organisation will also be managing the school.
What is typical price per square meter for construction in this region?
5000 Sri Lankan rupees per square feet.
Is the organization capable of hosting (transportation, lodging, translation, safety, etc.) designer site visits? Design teams typically consist of 2-6 people and stay for 7 days.
We are able to host in terms of transportation in Sri Lanka (Land), translation and safety but will be unable to pay for flight tickets etc.
What are the specific program desires for the project. How many buildings, stories, and floor plan square meters? Provide a detailed list of rooms desired and their specific intent.
Single storey building with two good sized classrooms, two childrens toilet, 1 adult toilet, one office space and one kitchen to prepare meals.
The classrooms have to be divided by a divider so the divider can be pulled back to merge the two classrooms into 1 when a bigger space is needed, e.g hall space for all the children to gather.
Provide any additional information that should be considered.
The area is prone to flooding.
Explain the desired timeline from the project. When do you hope to start and finish construction? Will construction occur in phases?
We hope to start the construction by end of June and complete it before the monsoon season in November. The villagers will also be helping in terms of manpower so this is a workable timeline.