Entry DateAugust 13, 2018
What is the name of the project?
Vocational Center For Internally Displaced Persons in South west region of Cameroon.
Organization name
Rural Development Centre (RUDEC)
What country is the project located?
Primary contact
Botame Augustine
Phone Number
+237 671 06 50 73
Is the organization capable and agreeable to communicating with our team several times per week during the design stage?
Explain the humanitarian need for this project and how this project can meet the need.
The humanitarian need of this project is at the level of community development as a result of the afforementioned statement about the crisis that is almost like a civil war,economic life has ceased abruptly,the local economy has been shattered,The youths badly need rehabilitation and empowerment structure urgently.Unfortunately they do not have any where to go.Owing to the crisis most schools have shut down and the few training centers that were there have all shut down.
This project wishes to construct and admit youths in to a complete vocational training center that shall have the following areas of intervention:
-wood work and carpentry,
-construction,designing and drafting
-food security
-electrical maintenance
-dress making,sewing and embroidery
-information communication technology(computer training)
-catering,restoration and hotel management
-hair dressing manicure and beauty shop
-panel beating
-commerce and marketing.
we hope that at the end of the the first 24 months the first batch of 300 youths will complete a course of their choice and can go into self employment and empowerment.
What is the mission statement of the organization you represent?
Our main mission is to promote public private partnership for sustainable development
What humanitarian category does the project best fit under?
vocational center
Describe the current budget situation. Is the land owned outright? What has been spent on the project and what is the estimated remaining costs? What is the strategy for attaining outstanding funds? Please provide as many specifics as possible.
-yes the land is owned outright,
-124 000 U$Dollars has been spent to acquire the land and to establish documents for permanent ownership
-the estimated remaining cost is about 650,000 U$Dollars
-outstanding funds will be met by sourcing and establishing other partnerships.presently we are are developing such a partnership with Crossroads Foundation Hong Kong,China.
Describe the land situation. Has land been procured? Has a site been selected? Was land donated from the local government? Is a deed in-hand?
-yes the land has been procured
-yes the site has been selected
-no the land was not a donation fro the local government
-there is a deed in hand and even a land certificate
-the organisation is not looking for land for the project because we already have land
What is typical price per square meter for construction in this region?
+-20 U$ Dollars
Is the organization capable of hosting (transportation, lodging, translation, safety, etc.) designer site visits? Design teams typically consist of 2-6 people and stay for 7 days.
yes we are capable of hosting,given our familiarity with international visitors.
What are the specific program desires for the project. How many buildings, stories, and floor plan square meters? Provide a detailed list of rooms desired and their specific intent.
in principle we are proposing a building for the female departments in an L shaped, they are six and are as follows:
-sewing/embroidery /knitting / tailoring dress making department which will take 3 rooms and a hall
-Catering/restoration and hotel management department will need 2 rooms and a kitchen,
-Hair dressing/manicure and beauty shop will need 2 classrooms
-Information communication technology(ICT) Computer literacy 3 rooms
-Marketing /commercial studies department will need 2 classrooms,
Male departments:
-plumbing department will need two rooms,
-welding department will need 1 big hall and 1 classroom
-electricity maintenance department 1 room
-wood work will need a large workshop, a show room and two other rooms,
-food security department (livestock and food crops training department) three rooms and one hall
Note there shall be inside toilets as necessary.
Administrative block: it will be a story building with various rooms as specified below:
- three offices
-two volunteer rooms
-a conference hall
-Car parking space
Explain the desired timeline from the project. When do you hope to start and finish construction? Will construction occur in phases?
-The desired timeline is from January 2019-December 2019
Starting time 1 January 2019,Finish time 31 December 2019
It may occur in phases once the essential material is on the ground but we wish that construction will continue till finish un interupted